Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Sour Smile Is Not A Happy Smile!

It's no surprise that sugary candy and drinks have an adverse effect on the health of your teeth, but what about sour or tart candies? Dr. Souris thought you might want to know how eating or drinking something sour may impact your teeth.

Research from the Minnesota Dental Association suggests that the amount of acid in sour candies is enough to eat away at tooth enamel and cause cavities. Here are some important facts and helpful hints on how to protect your teeth:


*Sour candies can be acidic enough to actually cause mild burns to the gums and cheeks while weakening and wearing down the enamel on your teeth.

*It can take almost 20 minutes for the acid to become neutral. Holding the acid in your mouth by sucking on sour hard candies or chewing sour gummies can keep the acid active for more than 20 minutes.

Protect Your Teeth

*Limit the amount of sour candies you eat, and when you do, remember not to suck on them for long periods of time.

*After eating sour candies, rinse your mouth out with water or drink milk to help neutralize the acid in your mouth ( wait at least one hour before brushing your teeth with toothpaste, as this can actually increase the effects of acid on your teeth).

*If tooth erosion has already begun, ask your dentist about ways you can help reduce sensitivity and continue to protect your teeth.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions- 440-734-1146, or visit our website at